Biscuit is 5 months old. Poor baby had to have a bit of Dramamine to get him to the groomers without getting sick. Once there, it was "small puppy day" and he got to play with another little maltese as well as a couple other small dogs while he waited his turn. I asked the girl to leave him a topknot but put a "boy bow" in the topknot to keep it out of is eyes. She told me she had a cute little white bow with red fire hydrants on it so while I was gone I got him a new red collar with sparkley "diamonds" to match. He refused to pose with the collar but did pose with his cute bow for one shot. The Dramamine made him sleepy which is why he refused to hold his head up for the second pix, poor baby is totally worn out after his busy morning. He sure does look cute.
When I picked him up he was glad to see me but was down on the floor with the other puppies, playing and it looked like, having a great time. I wish he had puppies around our neighborhood to play with, unfortunately all the dogs around here are way too big for him.
While he was getting pretty, I took the opportunity to go to Walmart and look around. I found a book entitled The Friday Night Knitting Club, a novel by Kate Jacobs. Its going to be 100 degrees here tomorrow, its been in the high 90's most of the week so Biscuit and I are hanging out in the house with ceiling fans blowing, floor fans going and of course the air conditioner set at 78 degrees. The fans keep the air circulating and allows me to keep the AC up a little higher than I might otherwise. Anyway, I'm going to be reading and knitting---oh I bought some Bernat Softee Baby yarn to make a baby blanket I found on the Bernat web site. Its called Double Diamond and its crocheted. Cute pattern, I'm doing it in blues and white for the new baby boy who should arrive sometime in October. (I'm hoping for October 1 which would be the baby's late Great G'pa's birthday). Here's where you can find the free pattern if you're interested: http://www.bernat.com/pattern.php?PID=2301
I like a lot of their crocheted baby things on their web page, although I'm not really a crocheter, I can do it..and figured its a quicky thing to do while its so hot.