I was thrilled with the class, we really learned a lot and I was anxious to get my loom up and running. So when I came home, with a huge cone of cotton yarn I was all set to start. I knew I had some linen blend yarn at home so I was all set to make myself a linen table runner. I got out my notes, my book (Learn To Weave by Deborah Chandler) and gathered my tools. I suspect I made a huge mistake in the size, but that's ok, I'm learning. I also screwed up the warp but managed to fix that. I have a lot to learn but I learn best by my mistakes.
Here's the result of what I learned (so far)
My loom Room:

Almost done:

OK, you're saying, gee her work doesn't look all that even, is something wrong with the warp? Well, I hope not. What happened is, I don't have a 10 dent reed and so according to the book, you can make do with a 12 dent reed if you skip every 4th heddle. The author says it will even out in the wash. It makes sense to me but I don't really know how much it will even out and it doesn't matter, I've learned a lot in this first project. I've ordered a 10 dent reed, I ordered a pin to hold the beater bar steady, I found all my weaving tools and put them together in a box so I can find them next time and I'M WEAVING!!!!
I suspect this first project is going to be too short but I don't really know how much too short and that doesn't matter either, I'll use it anyway. I wish now I had warped the loom with the linen yarn but that's OK too because I have tons of this linen blend so I can make another one. This is turning out to be a pretty nice fabric and I'm thinking I'm going to do what I love to do the most---combine my hobbies. I think I'm going to embroider something in the middle of it and use it as a dresser scarf. Next I'm going to rewarp the loom--doing what my teacher taught me, tie off the warp that's already on so I can easily rewarp using what's already been done...yaaay for her for showing me that and yaaay for me for taking the work off early the second day of class because a storm was coming and I had a long drive home.
I've notified R&M Yarns that I'm definitely interested in their intermediate class and I already know I want to make towels. I always wondered why weavers loved towels so much but now I suspect I know. Its fun doing different patterns. Same as knitting :-) There's so many comparisons between weaving on a loom and knitting on a machine, its very, very similar and just as much fun I'm learning.
So--that's what I've been busy doing since my last post on this blog. I'm having a blast. I love learning new things.