Today a friend came over to visit. Helga has 3 or is it 4 floor looms, she is the member of our local guild that we consider "The Color Lady" And if you click on this rug she wove, you'll see why. I've never seen anything she ever made that wasn't like this, beautiful colors artfully put together.
The colors just flow, she is soooo talented in her weaving, don't you love her rug? Its warped with 8/2 cotton of different colors as you go across and then woven with fabric. SO beautiful.
Now look at the fabulous sheep she needle felted.
and this gray curly one, is spectactular
OHHH, the best of all? She gave me this curly sheep. I just love him and gave him a place of honor on my entryway table, next to the dogs I made. Now I want to quit packing and get out my needle felting tools. Surely I have some curly fleece. I really want to make one like this.